For Veterinarians

For Veterinarians

As a trusted veterinarian and caring professional, you’ve been there for families through every stage of their pet’s life. No one knows better than you that pets are important members of a family.

A family wants to make the best decisions for their beloved pet. Most pet owners carefully consider the choice of a veterinarian and choose you as their pet’s health care provider. You are their trusted advisor on many issues concerning healthcare.

At the end of a pet’s life, it is not uncommon for you to give advice or make recommendations concerning death care. So, just like in the healthy part of their lives, pet owners look to you, their veterinarian, for guidance and advice about what to do when their pet dies. Whether a family needs the sense of closure cremation can provide, or just wants to know their pet’s body was handled with dignity and respect, Athens Pet Cremation can assist you.